Dining Room and Kitchen Sideboards

The humble sideboard is one of the most versatile pieces of storage furniture in the home. Modern sideboard cabinets are great places to stash a wide range of items away while also acting as display stands. In addition, the practical size of modern dining room sideboards ensures they can be used in any area or space you choose.
Here at Edmunds & Clarke we have a huge selection of stylish yet functional kitchen sideboards on offer. We stock sideboards in a range of finishes including pine, oak and painted. We can even design bespoke sideboards for you, available in sizes from three to ten feet, and ten colour options, with optional extras.

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Functions of Kitchen Sideboards

Sideboard cabinets can be used for a wide range of purposes:

  • Store away or display your most valuable possessions. Your dining room sideboard can be a place to showcase trophies or other treasured collections.
  • Keep lamps or other lighting on top to illuminate the area. So long as you have an electrical socket nearby, you can use lighting to create a range of effects in your kitchen or dining room.
  • Tidy away plates, dishes, cutlery, and other kitchen items. With a sideboard on hand, you can easily find the right item when it comes to serving guests.
  • Keep any documents, notebooks, or diaries locked away from prying eyes. Not only will the sideboard keep your confidential papers secure, but readily available whenever you need them.
  • Display artworks to showcase your sideboard. You can dress up your area further by displaying paintings or photographs on or above your sideboard.
  • Place a coffee maker on the top of your kitchen sideboard. So long as your sideboard is made of durable material you can use it for all your coffee making needs.
  • Display your range of wines, whisky and other spirits and brews. Keep the bottles on top, the glasses in the drawers, and you will be able to easily serve drinks when your guests arrive.
  • Store any clutter to keep your area looking clear. Keep all pens, scissors, sticky tape, and other small items out of sight but easy to find.

Edmunds & Clarke

With over 40 years of experience making and supplying high quality wooden furniture, we can offer you the very best options when it comes to sideboards and other furniture. You can purchase all our products online or in-store. To find out more about our great range of furniture, get in touch with our team today.